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Staying Connected to your Rebellious Teen

Rebellious teen

I’ve commonly heard parents say that they “dread” the teen years–anticipating rebellion, risky behaviour, and a host of other big energies and emotions. Connecting to your rebellious teen takes new skills, especially if you grew up in an authoritarian home, have past trauma, or were a rebellious teen yourself.

I looked forward to parenting a teen, I think mostly because I was determined to do it differently. I’d had a painful, rebellious teen experience in which I’d felt disconnected from my parents, and I was committed to staying connected to my son. Also, I’ve always loved teen spirit–their often indomitable spirit, and their sharp observation and questioning of the world around them.

My *reality* of parenting a teen was that when he was around 15, his behaviour changed abruptly, prompting me to have periods of high anxiety verging on panic attacks at times, plus episodes of being awake for hours during the night worrying. While he used to be quite agreeable most of the time, suddenly he walked out the door without a word of where he was going if we even set a mild limit. I needed a lot of support and to learn some new skills to navigate that next stage and stay connected.

The idea for using astrology as a guide came to me when I had a sudden, unexpected ‘aha’ moment at the peak in my son’s rebelliousness–and I realized that the period of difficulty matched up exactly with his first Saturn opposition. 

My own experience with Saturn transits is that they’re hard, but they’re an opportunity to learn and level yourself up in your soulful evolution as a human. 

Using the information I learned about that transit was a key factor in helping me learn to relate differently to him, and in a way that supported him to grow, and also helped me to stay connected. 

Honestly, it was like an anchor in the storm.

Navigating this transition skilfully, especially if you have a spirited teen and/or rebellious teen (or if you were one yourself!), is actually somewhat of a rite of passage for parents–in that it marks a turning point onto a new and different parenting path, and there’s no returning to the prior way of parenting–at least not if you want to stay connected.

So I’m excited to share with you this interview that I did last November with Diana Cary, an astrologer who’s gifted at using the information in a person’s chart to give practical, grounded guidance that’s aligned with their soulful journey.

Her insights are deep but practical, and they’re sure to offer you insight that will help you support your teen through their Saturn opposition and future Saturn transits.

As an added bonus, she also shares insights to the cohort/generation of teens (now aged 13-26yo who were born with Pluto in Sagittarius. This generation of youth have ideals and beliefs about where we need to go as a society, and their purpose here is to speak about their vision and “call out” anything that isn’t aligned.

I’ll say no more, except that I hope you gain as much from it as I did. I’ve listened twice already, and I glean a little more each time I listen.

Check out our interview here.